News — decor

Thoughtful Tokens: 5 Heartfelt Gift Ideas for Teachers

Posted by Jo Arbuthnot on

Thoughtful Tokens: 5 Heartfelt Gift Ideas for Teachers

 As the school year draws to a close, it’s time to express our gratitude to the incredible educators who have dedicated their time, energy, and expertise to shaping young minds. Teachers play a pivotal role in our lives, imparting knowledge, fostering growth, and nurturing a love for learning. So, what better way to show appreciation than with a carefully chosen gift? Here are our top 5 picks for gifts your teachers will love. Remember, it's not the monetary value of the gift that matters most, but the sincerity behind the gesture. Whether big or small, a thoughtful token of appreciation goes...

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Discover the Natural Beauty of Bali-Inspired Decor

Posted by Lindsay Gesior on

Discover the Natural Beauty of Bali-Inspired Decor
Inspired by natural materials and traditional craftsmanship, this new line of home accessories from Suzie Blue brings the essence of Bali right to your doorstep. Featuring a blend of natural materials like wood, seagrass, and banana leaf, this collection is a celebration of coastal vibes, boho inspiration, and on-trend natural aesthetics. Handcrafted by local artisans, each piece holds unique charm and character, making it the perfect addition to any home seeking a touch of warmth and style.

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